Q see qt view
Современные средства беспроводной связи позволяют организовать систему видеонаблюдения в квартире или доме, используя мобильные телефоны, смартфоны или планшеты. We at the BEAT Invitational are delighted to announce our 5th entry in the BEAT Invitational series which is none other than Path of Exile. We’re pleased to partner with GGG and Sennheiser to make this one of the best races yet. The founders + staff of the BEAT Invitational have played POE since the early beta and are no strangers to the hospitality of Greust and the Altar of Corruption and its great mysteries! We’re absolutely ecstatic to work with the community on this race. amp#x200B;. Hello, hello! We are happy to announce that Mod Organizer 2 version 2.2.0 has entered public release is now available on Nexus: Nexus Page (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194) This update is packed full of new features, all around improvements, and some new bugs as well. Some long-standing problems with the virtual file system were fixed. Performance for large mod lists was greatly improved. There's honestly a lot more than can be summarized Hello! Welcome once again to Lonely Souls. Today the antagonists learn a bit more about humanity, those crazy creatures, and we see the arrival of one of our main characters. I'm trying to focus a bit more on showing rather than telling. If you see me stray from that goal, please call me out! It's more work, but it's really worth it. Edit: just a reminder that I will be posting chapters of Lonely Souls every Saturday. Beginning (https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/bi3b89/oclonely_souls_. I recently posted a thread titled "What leads a trans woman to think they are a woman?" I got a lot of interesting responses, which you can read here if you want: https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/b9xith/what_leads_a_trans_woman_to_believe_they_are_a/ It seems to me that the various reasons why a trans woman thinks they are a woman can fit into two buckets: body dysphoria and social dysphoria. Body dysphoria includes unhappiness with the physical form and could range from "I never. Doki Doki Development Diary XX: Vive la Diary Title PART ONE: Hello and welcome for our 1st of April diary! I know what you’re thinking, with your little eye roll and the whip back of your hair. Yes, you are thinking this is some sort of joke. Well I don’t joke. Do you hear me? I will never joke, and if you fucking think just because I plan on eventually releasing this mod doesn’t mean I won’t waste valuable resources on a bunch of obscure nations that don’t matter, you’ll never. Why do you feel/think not believing/agreeing with these statements: “trans women are women, trans men are men, (and non-binary people are whatever they say they are)” is transphobic? (Long as context/explanatory post following, you can skip it if you wish) Context: I have seen a few comments here and there on this forum suggesting that not all QT posters who subscribe to the view that rejecting TWAW/TMAM is transphobic believe this is simply because it’s something that is indeed Lefty Youtube Channels Master List 429th Grommunist International (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNaR59HHYUbCQvifJn98ug) Brosocalist grommie bringing that fresh content. ABC's of Communism (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjaJCGmsieJCIX_DwG1jXA) The fundamentals of the theory of historical materialism are explained for students from various working class parties. Actually D0NG (https://www.youtube.com/user/ghosteey) Big fan of this "Marx" and "Engels" fellas everyone's been talkin. Since alot of people on Assistance are looking for jobs and some people are not able to find a job due to lack of car or just cannot drive like me. amp#x200B; I am going to post some jobs that are hiring for Work at home Customer Service. amp#x200B; Yes, they are legit jobs - I have been doing this type of work for the last 15 years. You are an employee and you get a w-2 at the end of the year. amp#x200B; I do not know what most of these jobs are hiring Well that was a first for me in Star Citizen. I just wanted to share this with the community and see if others are experiencing the same gameplay experience. I Started of this morning waking up on Hurston in the Habs. Had a nice coffee while taking in the view and then headed for the train. After a short commute to the spaceport I boarded my Connie and headed out into the black. On the way into orbit I picked up 3 delivery missions from the Hurston area out to crusader. I got two with pickups. The original is here (https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/b1thmu/year_of_the_dragon_checklist/) from 3 weeks ago but I updated some information as this is the last reminder before the set launches. ------ #Hearthstone: Year of the Dragon Checklist --- Card sets from 2017 will be rotating and unplayable in Standard, specifically: Journey to Un'Goro (Un'Goro) released April 2017 Knights of the Frozen Throne (KFT) released August 2017 Kobolds and Catacombs (KnC). Lock and load! We’re gearing up to release the Survival Mode Beta on March 26, which is a new, more competitive way to play Fallout 76 that’s separate from the main game, has fewer player vs. player (PVP) restrictions, higher stakes for PVP combat, and even a permanent XP bonus. We’re also implementing scoreboards that you can use to earn bragging rights, as well as new weekly challenges that have legendary rewards. Read on to learn about all of this and more when Beta launches next week. ------ #Hearthstone: Year of the Dragon Checklist --- Card sets from 2017 will be rotating and unplayable in Standard, specifically: Journey to Un'Goro (Un'Goro) released April 2017 Knights of the Frozen Throne (KFT) released August 2017 Kobolds and Catacombs (KnC) released December 2017 So here are things you want to do before Year of the Dragon begins (April 9th). --- ☐ Make sure to finish KFT Prologue gtFinishing the Prologue rewards you with a free Legendary Death Knight. Hey everyone! Long time lurker, active lender over on r/borrow , and first-time poster here. I wanted to post my work online master list that I have been working on, posting, and fine tuning for about a year now. I am sure many of you have seen it in other parts of the Reddit Universe, but I thought it may also be helpful here. I sincerely hope that this provides assistance in some way to at least one person. ---- "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach Recently a large database (https://discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/server/34) of discord posts from Identity Evropa, one of the largest white-supremacist and fascist organizations in America, was leaked and they have a fair amount to say about Trump, the Republican party, and getting involved in politics. A refrain I saw time and time again was that it's easier than ever to push a white supremacist message in politics by simply claiming to be a Trump Republican. Here are some examples:. One of the accusations that get that gets thrown at QT a lot is that they are narcissists. This seems to be true if you consider being overly concerned with controlling the way others perceive you as a component of narcissism. Many trans people expect us to completely alter the way in which we perceive or understand reality to fit their desires and whether or not our perceptions are true or false is irrelevant. An interesting post I read here recently portrayed both QT and GC as containing extre. Hello everyone. Effortpost incoming. I do not usually post here but have considered starting. After reading this post and its comments (https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/b91r2b/since_this_is_a_debate_forum_could_we_get_a/), it is clear to me that most users on this forum do not know what queer theory is. So this is an introduction to queer theory. I am covering basic concepts: use of language, beliefs about identity, and relationship to radical feminism. I am writing this to clear. Synthesis 3.6.3 amp#x200B; Table of contents 1. Different ways to block memories 2. Memory map spawning mechanics 3. Tips and tricks 4. Edge blocking strategy 5. Forced Boss farming strategy amp#x200B; post updates: 16.4.2019: Major update on bossing setups, improved guide intuitivity overall. 23.4.2019: Added information about boss spawn rates based on 250 boss spawns and 16 Cortex. \------------------------------------------------------------------------. After building and demolishing the Four Storey Church, decided to create a compact, miniature Chapel for a C.A.M.P. Here is the initial design. Pleasant Valley Chapel Front View – An illuminated Neon Pleasant Valley Chapel and Open Sign. https://imgur.com/sZxrKeN Side View. - An illuminated Cross created using the Marquee Arrow Signs. https://imgur.com/9uAy2lQ Rear View – Due to the Monsters and Animals attacking the Atomic Generator moved the machine off the ground. https://imgur.com. Nowadays Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Specialists value its universality for all types of the tasks. Today, one of the most important qualities is convenience of command execution, but often developers have to write a relatively simple program, the quality criterion of which is an intuitive graphical interface. You have several ways to do this by means of Python. The following development tools are among the most popular: PyQt (https://pypi.org/project/PyQt5/). Hi, all! amp#x200B; The final race for the Betrayal league is officially done! I'm posting here on behalf of Kammell to wrap up the event and provide a resource for those who may have missed the big day! However, I first want to extend a big thank you to all who participated and watched the race! There wouldn't have had a race without you! Thank you to all working behind the scenes as well! amp#x200B; gt!Congratulations to Tie23he, Steelmage202, Waggle and Fightgarr for securing their. Hi r/GCdebatesQt, It’s my first time posting here ! I am asking this question because I just had a conversation with a trans person regarding dating preferences, and this is something that came up. The trans person was trying to explain to me that if a man sleeps with a woman with vagina, it shouldn’t matter to them if she’s trans or not or had ovaries or a uterus, because that’s not what the man sees. He doesn’t see ovaries or uterus, he just sees a vagina. If his attraction changes Completed Keezer (https://i.imgur.com/DsXlTVf.jpg) My wife amp I recently built a keezer and I thought I would share the process with you. I was able to find a lot of posts about keezer builds where people said things like, "I think I spent around 0" or "I got this off Craigslist for like X" but nothing really definitive to detail the true costs. Since I knew we were going to build, I tracked everything so I could eventually share it. We built our keezer out of a Magic Hey everyone! Long time lurker, and first-time poster here. I wanted to post my work online master list that I have been working on, posting, and fine tuning for about a year now. I am sure many of you have seen it in other parts of the Reddit Universe, but I thought it may also be helpful here. I sincerely hope that this provides assistance in some way to at least one person and helps with the holiday crunch. ---- "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach I'm more interested in QTs thoughts on this, particularly trans women--but GCs are free to comment too. The mainstream trans-positive view on trans women's identity (you can apply this to trans men, but I'm not a trans man and can only speak to my experience as a trans woman) is "trans women are women", and I feel that's less validating and empowering as it seems from the surface. The way I've come to see it is that "trans women are trans women", and our transness doesn't